CryptoCTF 2023 Writeup
Welcome!! (23 points, 663 solves) Difficulty: Warm-up We surely did get warmed up this CTF, as we came second, even beating the Cryptohackers (merge) team! Well done to everyone who participated ๐ Did it! (33 points, 220 solves) Difficulty: Easy The parameters $n = 127$ and $\ell = 20$ is fixed. A hidden subset of $\ell$ numbers $S \subseteq \{0, 1, \cdots, n - 1\}$ with $|S| \leq \ell$ is chosen, and we are given $13$ calls to the following oracle: Given a set $T \subseteq {0, 1, \cdots, n - 1}$ also with $|T| \leq \ell$, the server computes $T \setminus S$ and outputs $\{(u^2 + \varepsilon) \pmod{n} : u \in T \setminus S, \varepsilon \in \{0, 1\}\}$....