CryptoCTF 2023 Writeup

Welcome!! (23 points, 663 solves) Difficulty: Warm-up We surely did get warmed up this CTF, as we came second, even beating the Cryptohackers (merge) team! Well done to everyone who participated ๐Ÿ’œ Did it! (33 points, 220 solves) Difficulty: Easy The parameters $n = 127$ and $\ell = 20$ is fixed. A hidden subset of $\ell$ numbers $S \subseteq \{0, 1, \cdots, n - 1\}$ with $|S| \leq \ell$ is chosen, and we are given $13$ calls to the following oracle: Given a set $T \subseteq {0, 1, \cdots, n - 1}$ also with $|T| \leq \ell$, the server computes $T \setminus S$ and outputs $\{(u^2 + \varepsilon) \pmod{n} : u \in T \setminus S, \varepsilon \in \{0, 1\}\}$....

August 28, 2023 ยท grhkm, nhho, TWY